
The Venus Throw by Steven Saylor
The Venus Throw by Steven Saylor

Gordianus, Bethesda and Diana live happily ever after and never tell anyone their little secret! Hush! Gordianus decides not to tell anyone about the crime his daughter committed and thanks to Cicero’s eloquence Caelius is able to walk out of the trial as a free man (although he did stab Dio 9 times after he was already dead). Gordianus didn’t know about this because his wife had never told him about her life as a slave girl. His daughter Diana had put the poison into Dio’s meal because Dio had apparently killed her grandmother while raping her and he had also raped and beaten up Bethesda.

The Venus Throw by Steven Saylor

So Dio was poisoned and Gordianus knows who did it because the last time Dio ate was at his house. On the night of the murder he started beating her and raping her as usual but then he suddenly fell deadonto the bed. One of the slaves he questions is Zotica, she was Dio’s sex-slave. He starts collecting evidence by questioning slaves and friends of Dio’s. Clodia (who knew Dio too) has reason to believe that Caelius did it, she wants to start a case against him and therefore calls for Gordianus to help her find evidence.

The Venus Throw by Steven Saylor

Gordianus tells him that he’d love to help but that he has his own family to think of and therefore refuses to help him. One day a eunuch and Dio come knocking at Gordianus’ door, Dio fears for his life and asks Gordianus to help him.

The Venus Throw by Steven Saylor