The other storylines also were warm-hearted. It didn’t pan out exactly at I thought it would but it did turn out to be a kind-hearted resolution. It added a bit of excitement to the story but I could have done without it.

I thought it would turn out okay anyway but while their reasoning fit their personalities their actions did not. I know that it was done out of a kind of love but what Laney and the other two younger kids did to two of the older ones really bothered me. Not giving more details of the places visited was a missed opportunity. Nothing to very little was written about the famous destinations and I did not get a good sense of any of them and no sense of the Grand Canyon, for instance. I think the cross country trip would have been a more enjoyable reading experience if the Carlsbad Caverns and the Grand Canyon and other locations had been described through the eyes of the characters or at all. In a way it was nice to have a change of pace and travel after five books set mostly in NYC but I know of missed the old neighborhood & the house and the neighbors. I also loved seeing Aunt Penny.I enjoyed some of the people they met along the way. A part at the beginning and a part toward the end were particularly amusing. I’d been waiting for a hardcover edition but the queue was too long and I didn’t want to wait any longer to read this book than I already had.Clever! Charming! Heartwarming! I was giggling within pages. I’d also borrowed the audiobook to read simultaneously with the e-book but within a page I realized that I intensely disliked the narrator and would prefer my own interpretation so I read just the e-book. I read a borrowed Kindle edition via Libby at my public library.