would not permit, because their houses must have ben the first: It was … now commanded to be practised, & my concern being particularly for the Hospital of st. It pleased his Majestie to command me among the rest to looke after the quenching of fetter-lane …, to preserve (if possible) that part of Holborn, whilst the rest of the Gent: tooke their several posts, some at one part, some at another, for now they began to bestir themselves, … & began to consider that nothing was like to put a stop, but the blowing up of … houses, as might make a gap than any yeat made by the ordinary method of pulling them downe … : This some stout Seamen proposd early enough to have saved the whole Citty: but some … avaritious Men, Aldermen &c. I up to the top of Barking steeple, and there saw the saddest sight of desolation I ever saw… ”. Pen, there is a good stop given to it … it having only burned the dyall of Barking Church, and part of the porch, and … was there quenched.

… (G)oing to the fire, I find, by the blowing up of houses … by Sir W. Home, and whereas I expected to have seen our house on fire, … it was not. I up and finding it so, resolved … to take her away, and did, and … my gold … but, Lord! what a sad sight it was by moone-light, to see the whole City almost on fire …. “About two in the morning my wife … tells me of new cryes of fire, it being come to Barking Church ….